Can xtdb v2 use minio as storage?

Minio supports S3 protocol, can it replace cloud S3?

Hey @MichaelBBTiger, welcome :wave:

At the moment, we also have a requirement for SQS and SNS too for bucket events (although we’re considering ways to remove this) - I’m not sure what Minio provides in this regard?

If it’s that you’re looking for local development, we also support an in-memory and a local-disk object-store which are likely easier to set up than Minio.



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Thanks, jarohen. Quite coincidentally, another guy asked the same question(Setup guide for self hosted / plain Kubernetes clusters?). The design concept of xtdb is very cool, and we are still in the trial stage. Some customers’ production environments are not in the public cloud, so private deployment is also part of our consideration.

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