I am trying to write an XTDB query… My use case requires me to fetch list of all ids for a given entity.
Following code doesn’t work…
(defn exec-query
[env {:adapter/keys [type id]} entity-id]
(let [node (get-in env [type id :node])
db (xt/db node)
result (xt/q db
'{:find [(pull ?entity [*])]
:in [eid]
:where [[?entity eid _]]}
(tap> result)
when I hardcode the attribute place it works. and I get list of all ids for datasource entity.
(defn exec-query
[env {:adapter/keys [type id]} entity-id]
(let [node (get-in env [type id :node])
db (xt/db node)
result (xt/q db
'{:find [(pull ?entity [*])]
:where [[?entity :datasource/id _]]}
(tap> result)
I have multiple entities like this, I was hoping how can use entity-id variable to do this task.
On reading the documentation Datalog Queries · XTDB Docs
I realized this is not allowed. Is there any way I can generate this query and use it.