Sequel-xtdb (Ruby driver)

Happy to announce the (early) release of sequel-xtdb (repo), a Ruby driver for XTDB v2 built on Sequel.

This adapter (currently) leans heavily on the postgres-adapter, with the following additions:

  • XTDB-url support.
  • bi-temporal inserting.
    # will add attribute _valid_from
    ds.as_of(valid: ...).insert(_id: 1, name: "Gert")
  • bi-temporal querying.
    # prefixes query with `SETTING DEFAULT VALID_TIME ...`
    DB[:users].as_of(valid: ..., system: ..., current: ...).all


  • step away from postgres-adapter
  • have an example Rails-project
  • support all DML/query syntax
  • support more types

sample code

def shift_days(n, from: from + (60 * 60 * 24 * n)
DB = Sequel.connect("xtdb://localhost:5432/xtdb")

# (mostly) regular SQL
DB << "insert into users(_id, name) values(1, 'Jeremy')"
DB["select * from users"].all

# with placeholders
DB << Sequel.lit(<<-SQL, shift_days(14))
insert into users(_id, name, _valid_from) values(2, 'James', timestamp ?)

# Sequel DSL using the adapter's `as_of`
DB.as_of(valid: shift_days(15)).with_sql("select * from users").all
yesterday = DB[:users].as_of(valid: shift_days(-1))

yesterday.insert(_id: 3, name: "Gert")


Amazing, great work! Time to learn some Ruby :slight_smile:

Happy to report I got it all working easily enough: driver-examples/ruby/main.rb at main · xtdb/driver-examples · GitHub

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