[v1] Xtdb console - Failure: fetch entity

For some records, I get the following response in the devtools console for the xtdb console.

"Failure: fetch entity " {:response nil, :last-method “GET”, :original-text "{
followed by the text of the actual record retrieved.

Queries work just fine, and not all records have this issue.

It’s troublesome, as there’s no visual indication on the page that the record wasn’t received.

An issue that might be related.

After a restart, keys do not show up as links for non-functions.

Hi @tempire thanks for the reports. We’re unlikely to be in a position to be able investigate these issues soon, but perhaps in a few weeks. In the meantime you could also try using GitHub - tatut/xtdb-inspector: Web UI for inspecting XTDB (v1) database

Are you mainly using the console during development? Or are you attempting to use it for understanding a production system?


I’ll check it out, thanks.

I’m currently using it for the development, or, was, before I discovered the inconsistency.

The plan was to have quick access to production data as well, in the same way that I use something like datagrip or a repl for Postgres.

I’d love to use inspector, unfortunately, it just returns a 404 after starting. :confused:

Anyone here know anything about xtdb-inspector?

For future n00bs like myself:

git clone https://github.com/tatut/xtdb-inspector.git
cd xtdb-inspector
clj -A:dev
user=> (require '[xtdb-inspector.core :as xi])
user=> (xi/start {:xtdb-node (xtdb.api/new-api-client "http://localhost:9995")})

(post deleted by author)

Nevermind. It seems that a remote connection isn’t possible without the http api.

Unfortunately, xtdb-inspector is a no-go, because the jitpack builds aren’t working, and I’m using gradle.

For the record, the issue here is that entities that use forward slashes in keys are the problem:

:last-error "", :failure :parse, :status-text "Invalid keyword: :View/Edit/Approve.  Format should have been EDN", :status 200,
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the issue here is that entities that use forward slashes in keys are the problem

Ah, okay that’s useful diagnosis, thanks. It may well just be a line or two to fix.

Would you like to chat about what you’re building? I can take a look into this next week once I’m back from travelling, but it would be useful to understand your priorities / timelines. Feel free to email me and we can set up some time: jdt@juxt.pro (or equally we can just swap thoughts over email)

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