XT2 snapshot 20240902

Morning folks - another XT2 snapshot going up this morning :rocket:

  • Main change here is a change to the XT2 infrastructural reqmts - previously, on cloud deployments, we required that the object store be able to notify the nodes when new files were added; we now take responsibility for this ourselves by adding an extra topic on the existing log, so there’s no longer any need to set up extra pub/sub infrastructure.

    • this is a breaking change to the config, though - see this PR for migration instructions.
  • In terms of functionality, we’ve been spending more time on the Postgres wire-protocol server. we’re quite keen that you can use whatever tooling you previously used with Postgres to connect to XT

    • In our experience, though, each different tool makes different assumptions about what the server on the other end of the wire supports. So, please do give it a spin, and let us know what issues you run into :bug:
  • As part of this, we’ve added initial support for SQL’s ROW_NUMBER window function (with more to come) - I say ‘as part of this’ because there are a good few tools whose first metadata-discovery query uses it :sweat_smile:

  • ‘Periods’ are now first-class in XT2 - this is an extension to the SQL spec (which only requires that they be usable in specific period predicates). You can now calculate a period ‘intersection’ using the * operator, which is really useful for temporal joins: if you’re joining two tables together across time, and you want to know when both facts were valid, you can request foo._valid_time * bar._valid_time.

  • On the performance side, we’ve put through a significant change that ensures we can more quickly rule out large swathes of historical data for both as-of-now and recent historical queries.

As always - any trouble, give us a shout :slight_smile:

James & the XT Team


I updated the XTDB version of the seancorfield/usermanager-example at xtdb (github.com) to use the PostgreSQL JDBC driver and the pgwire server on XTDB (instead of the, now archived, next.jdbc.xt interop library) and the only thing I ran into was that next.jdbc.sql/insert! assumes it can specify :return-keys true – which passes Statement/RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to .prepareStatement – and that seems to cause the PG JDBC driver to append RETURNING * to the SQL, which XTDB rejects.

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Errors parsing SQL statement:
line 2:0 mismatched input 'RETURNING' expecting {<EOF>, ';'}

I updated all the insert! calls in the usermanager code to pass {:return-keys false} which solves the “problem” but it would be nice if XTDB’s SQL supporting RETURNING.


Here’s an example of using the new period intersections along with the overlaps function.
This would have been a lot tougher previously!

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