Office Hours - Friday (24th) at 1430 UTC

Come along and say hi at our next Office Hours session! Last week we were joined by @joefromct and @caleb_land - discussing a few interesting topics, including a quick tour of recent changes in beta5.

I’ll be running the next session this Friday (24th January) at 1430 UTC for ~1h. Feel free to RSVP in the comments below if you think you’ll be able to make it.

As per usual, I’ll comment here again with the meeting link just beforehand - for now though, be sure to add it to your calendar!

Looking forward to seeing you there :slightly_smiling_face:

Quick Calendar Links

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REMINDER: today’s Office Hours is happening in ~20m - we’ll use Google Meet on this occasion:

Looks like I missed the office hours today - you must have changed the hours - I downloaded the apple calendar file when you first announced the meeting, and it was an 1.5 hours off. :disappointed:

Ahh, really sorry about that @tempire! I had hoped that I changed the time quickly enough that nobody would get caught out :slightly_frowning_face:

Very glad we were able to speak separately just now though (thanks for emailing!). Looking forward to hearing how your v2 prod setup works out when we next speak :slightly_smiling_face: and I hope the pointer to GitHub - jorinvo/edn-data: EDN parser and generator that works with plain JS data, with support for TS and node streams for your v1 queries is useful.


A follow-up question from @tempire (copying here so the answer is public)

Does xtdb have any notion of triggers?

Not currently. But I have been following the work at quite closely and would like to see us replicate that model of out-of-band durable execution.

Adding some kind of stored procedure support is also something we’ve been discussing, to enable more efficient handling of event->state projections (e.g. for reading from a source Kafka topic of events without having to immediately write those events back into Kafka as internal transactions).

What’s your use-case? (feel free to reply on the email thread if you prefer!)

Real time, firebase-like updates via websockets. Looks like that’s what dbos is doing too.

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