Office Hours - Thursday (16th) at 1600 UTC

Office Hours are BACK for 2025 :tada:

I’ll be running the next session again this Thursday (16th January) at 1600 UTC for ~1h. No need to join for the whole thing - sometimes it’s great just to put a name to a face! So please do come say hello, and bring your toughest questions :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll comment here again with the meeting link just beforehand - for now though, be sure to add it to your calendar!

EDIT: meeting here Gather

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Meet on Gather shortly

Great to chat @joefromct + @caleb_land ! Hope to catch you both again soon.

For those who couldn’t make it, these were some high level points discussed:

  1. the new beta5 string templating + pipelining functionality
  2. Normalization / “when to create new tables” / Object–role modeling - Wikipedia
  3. Ruby drivers
  4. Codespaces and GitHub - xtdb/driver-examples: Minimal XTDB examples for various langs - start in <5m with GitHub Codespaces
  5. GitHub - nearform/temporal_tables: Postgresql temporal_tables extension in PL/pgSQL, without the need for external c extension.
  6. Emacs(!)
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