Office Hours - Monday (11th) at 1600 UTC

Hi, I’ll be running Office Hours again this Monday (11th November) at 1600 UTC for ~1h. No need to join for the whole thing - as ever, please feel free to even just stop by for 5m to say hello :wave:

There’s no formal agenda for Office Hours, beyond some casual Q&A, but I’ll be ready to give a short tour through some SQL examples and the latest VSCode + SQLTools and Metabase integrations if there’s time - I can also show off the new Elixir Postgrex support :slightly_smiling_face: See you there!

I’ll comment here again with the meeting link just beforehand - for now though, be sure to add it to your calendar!

EDIT: meeting is here

Reminder: Office Hours are happening today - here!

Thanks @bennyandresen and @seancorfield for stopping by! Was good to chat.

The main topics we discussed:

  1. Metabase!
  2. XTQL-in-SQL
  3. How HoneySQL etc. make positional parameters easier

I’m currently exploring whether xtdb can be used with Metabase, so I’m curious as to how this session went… is there any record or documentation (or advocacy!) for using XTDB with Metabase?

Hey @ivar this session wasn’t recorded, but I can help :slightly_smiling_face:

We’re actually using XTDB and Metabase together extensively for an active project with one of our Design Partners.

Here are a few pointers for Metabase setup:

Create a docker-compose file along the lines of this one with the addition of:

       - xtdb
+      - metabase  # Ensure app starts after Metabase
@@ -36,6 +31,15 @@ services:
       - "5432:5432"  # Expose XTDB on the host
+  metabase:
+    image: metabase/metabase:latest
+    container_name: metabase
+    restart: always
+    ports:
+      - "3000:3000"  # Expose Metabase UI on localhost
+    depends_on:
+      - xtdb

Once the containers are running, you should be able to open Metabase on localhost:3000, create a dummy account and add the XTDB instance as a ‘database’ using the Postgres options:

Some of the UI queries for the database exploration / query builder features don’t work currently (E.g.), but you should at least be able to use the SQL editor and add various interesting widgets to dashboards (based on handcoded SQL):


As you add/change tables, you may need to re-sync the schema in this menu:

Hope that helps! More documentation will follow in due course.

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